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For My Best Friend, Daisy

Apparently, I was a bitch to Daisy when we first met. I hear that about myself all the time. She didn't know I was just a smart ass back then, but she's definitely figured that out by now. And she loves telling this story to people we meet. She came in with her little box full of supplies which was basically a portable cubby. I guess I made a sarcastic comment about how people wouldn't use those at our store.

She didn't realize I was being sarcastic because I had the exact same box when I was a sales rep. She just looked at me like she thought I was mean but would never be mean back to me.

That's the story my best friend Daisy loves to tell people about how we met. We actually met a couple times before this happened, but I obviously didn't make a strong impression before because this is the story she remembers and that's fine with me.

I never knew it at the time, but it was the beginning of the best friendship I've ever had. After a couple of months, we started to hang out with each other here and there and bonded through alcohol and our love of Kanye and the Lakers.

It's funny when I talk about Daisy because people have always made fun of us and joked that we were gay. But looking back, we've gone through situations that couples go through which is pretty hilarious. There was the drama of people telling her to stay away from me and that I was bad news. Old friends that did not want to make room for our new friendship in their lives. I even had a couple boyfriends who were jealous of our friendship. It's all pretty fucking bizarre, but I guess they always say if you have haters, you're doing something right. I'm laughing as I type that because it sounds so ridiculous, but we definitely are doing something right. Well, I don't know if I can say I am, but I can say that Daisy is for sure.

Daisy invited me to EDC in 2013. I had never been to a rave and I didn't like house music or big crowds. 

Daisy, why would you think I would have fun there? 

I decided to say yes. I had just graduated college and figured why not treat myself. Little did I know that it would change my life forever. Yes, the music was great and being in Vegas was a blast, but we bonded the weeks leading up to EDC and planning what we would wear and what pool parties we would attend. Even though I felt down at times because my boyfriend at the time decided to be an asshole to me since I decided to go to Vegas without him, it was one of the best trips of my life. It changed me and I realized the friendship I had was a once-in-a-lifetime kind.

I know I'm not the only person who is friends with Daisy and feels like this. She still stays in touch with most of her friends she's grown up with and makes every person in her life feel like they matter and have a place in her life.

She's the type of person that lights up a room when she walks in because she's always smiling, having fun, and making people around her better. She makes people feel happy. I'm lucky enough to call her my best friend and it's the best friendship I've ever had. It's been almost three years since I moved away from Modesto and she still calls me once a week to check on me despite the crazy schedule she has in her life with school, work, and her other relationships. I can see why some people are jealous. I can't imagine a stronger friendship than ours and if I didn't have it, I would want it.

I may not have a lot of people I can call true friends but I'm lucky enough to know that one friendship with Daisy is equivalent to 100 fair weather friendships. I can say without a doubt that no matter where either of us end up, how long we go without talking, and whatever life comes our way, our friendship will always be strong. I could list all the memories I cherish but then I would never stop writing. We can literally be watching tv together and have the time of our lives.

I wish there was a way I could thank her. I don't think she fully comprehends the impact she has on my life and how grateful I am for our friendship. I can't even do her justice by writing this because there is so much I want to say that I don't know how. I just hope that I can be at least half of the friend to her that she is to me. For now, I'll just stick to writing this and hoping she knows she has affected my life deeply and for that I will always be grateful.


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