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Comfort Inn Ending

How do you know when it's the right time to end a relationship because it's not right or try and work things out?

You hear it all the time. "Everything is always nice in the beginning," and the beginning usually lasts a while. You always want to think you're the exception and not the rule; it won't happen to you. But here you are, six months in to a relationship that is completely different from the one you had when it started.

I moved in with my boyfriend about three months ago. I was convinced he was 'the one.' A nice guy who actually wanted a relationship and is an overall good human being. We lived two hours apart and didn't want to have distance between us. We wanted to be together all the time. I made the decision to move my life to him and we got an apartment together. Ever since, our relationship has been on the decline. The person I thought I knew is different from the person I live with. Living with someone provides a sort of intimacy where you see a person for who they actually are.

I didn't see the selfishness before we lived together. I'm sure it was there but I was too distracted by what I wanted to see to pay attention. Suddenly, you see the flaws in your partner and can't pay attention to any of the positives. All you notice is what you need that they aren't giving you. You try to create a makeshift pros/cons list and can only seem to think about the bad. You're constantly in a bad mood, they are on eggshells, and the worst part; they think this is who you actually are when it isn't. You crave the type of intimacy you aren't getting from your partner. You try to communicate, but none of your conversations ever have a solution. You hold on to the glimmer of hope that you see this person the way you once did again like you're clenching on to a hand for dear life while hanging off a cliff.

You take a step back. Self analyze. Is it something that's wrong with me? Am I inadequate? Does he not love me as much as he did before? How did we get to this point?

You ask yourself if it's something you did and try to show your partner you love them in whatever way you can. When you live with someone, it could be cleaning or cooking. You feel like it goes unnoticed. Your resentment slowly starts to grow. I changed my entire life for this person. And now I'm a stranger in my own home.

Every reason you found to be with this person is gone. The trust you had is lost. You no longer trust them with your heart. It's not always cheating that loses trust but false promises and broken expectations.

There's a reason it's called being a hopeless romantic.

And another one bites the dust.


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