Okay so I have been on this pomegranate kick lately. I think it's because every time I'm at home, I see these big pomegranates sitting in the fruit basket and my mom eats one every night. We always have them. I remember we had a pomegranate tree in our backyard in the house I grew up in. I didn't even know the English word for them back then. I think I actually just learned it a few years ago when I saw them sprouting up every where. Anyway, ever since I was a kid my mom and I ate these things. She would peel some for me and sprinkle sugar on them. It was delicious.

So the other day, I grabbed one and started to cut it. It's pretty fun eating these things because it's an event. You work for your food and you're entertained while doing it. I've been eating one just about every night this week so I wanted to find out some more stuff about the health benefits. Have you ever heard how they say vegetables and fruits that look like parts of your body are good for that part of your body? Well, if you look at the spongey foam pieces of a pomegranate, they look like vessels. I was thinking about that so I googled it and what do you know? They are good for blood vessels. Notice how the inside looks like two chambers of a heart. Guess what else pomegranates are good for? That's right; your heart!
Nutritional Benefits of the Pomegranate:
- One of the most nutrient dense fruits
- Rich in antioxidants
- Lower cholesterol and blood pressure
- Good for your heart
- Inhibit different types of cancer like colon, breast, and prostate
Eat up!!!
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