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The Anti-Social Media

The amount of people glaring at the screen of their smartphone seems to keep increasing. When we seem to get tired of a particular app, another one comes along to keep your attention on your device instead of on each other.

Has anyone ever thought about the fact that social media is making us more and more antisocial as time goes by?

Think about the last time you were with a group of your friends and how long everyone spent staring at Instagram or sending snaps via Snapchat.

The funny thing is you see people in snaps and partying or having a great time but what you don't see, is the behind-the-scenes footage of everyone going back to looking at their phone as soon as the snap is over.

I'm not trying to preach because I'm just as guilty as the next person. I have to make a conscious effort to not look at my phone if I'm around people. It's just so hard to avoid your phone when you are bored and you know you have it as an option.

I have deleted social media from my phone when I feel like I am wasting too much time looking through meaningless bullshit. Because that's what 95% of social media is. What does someone actually gain from spending time on social media? I'm not talking about people promoting a business or trying to advertise.
I'm talking about all of us average people. There are actually psychological conditions developing because of social media. It is now linked to narcissism and depression. No surprise there.

Everyone is in competition with one another and nothing is what it seems. I'm not saying to delete your accounts and completely cut social media out of your life. I'm simply saying next time you are spending time with your family or friends, put your phone down. Don't miss out on making memories because you are busy trying to capture the moment on your phone and let all of your followers, who you never talk to in real life, know how awesome of a time you're having.

Let's all be more aware of the impact social media has on our lives.


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