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Lebron James is a Los Angeles Laker

I can still remember the tears streaming down my face on April 13, 2016 when Kobe scored 60 points against the Utah Jazz in his last game as a Los Angeles Laker. The Lakers hadn't made the playoffs in three years and it had been six since they won a championship. It made my heart ache to know that Kobe retired with a Lakers record of 17-65, the worst in Lakers history. My tears were for all the joy Kobe had brought to LA mixed with tears that the organization's front office was being run into the ground.

As Kobe bid his farewell to LA, I shifted my attention to the teams in the playoffs. Next to Kobe, my next favorite players were Kevin Durant (r.i.p. my fandom 2008-2016) and Russell Westbrook. The Oklahoma City Thunder were up against the Warriors in the Western Conference Finals. They managed to gain a 3-1 lead against the reigning champions. And just like that; it slipped away and the Warriors won the series sending them to the NBA Finals against the Cleveland Cavaliers.

Naturally as a Kobe fan, I despised Lebron James for years. My hatred dwindled to a strong dislike after Kobe told fans in an interview to ease up on our disdain for the superhuman athlete. The media was great at hyping up the rivalry between the two most popular basketball stars who never even competed against each other in the Finals. I just said farewell to Kobe, but I wasn't ready to warm up to James quite yet.

"Lebron is better than Michael."
"Lebron is the GOAT."
"Lebron is better than Kobe."

I got so triggered when people would utter these phrases. The Golden State Warriors broke the record for most wins in a season (73-9) and were expectedly up 3-1 against the Cavaliers. I had to go on Facebook to talk trash and let the world know how I felt. I was so sick of everyone saying Lebron is the greatest player of all time.

"If the Cavaliers lose this series I never want to hear anyone use Lebron and GOAT in the same sentence again!"

The Cavaliers win game five. Then game six.

It's game seven and I now have tears running down my face again. The Cleveland Cavaliers win the fucking NBA Finals and Lebron leads the team to victory following a 3-1 deficit to bring the first championship to Cleveland in history. I knew right then and there; I could never say a bad thing about Lebron James again. I was a witness.

Every hope I had for the Lakers to make some good moves the last few years never panned out. Jim Buss had single-handedly run the organization to the ground. Kobe was gone. The last couple seasons started to get better and I started to have some hope in the young squad. There were rumors Lebron James was going to Los Angeles after the 2017-2018 season but all of my hopes had been crushed the last few years so I never counted on it.

And on July 1, 2018, my world of basketball changed. Lebron James announced he was going to sign with the Los Angeles Lakers. It may sound like an exaggeration, but I can say, with confidence, that it was one of the best days of my life.

After all the years of hating Lebron, to becoming a fan and now signing with the best dynasty in basketball.

Basketball has been so much more fun to watch the last couple of seasons being a Lebron fan. My biggest regret was not liking him years ago because I was too caught up in the imaginary rivalry between him and Kobe.

Now, he's a part of the Lakers legacy forever. It's going to be the most gratifying feeling putting on my Lebron James Los Angeles Lakers jersey next season and watching him play. I get goosebumps just thinking about it.

To all of my fellow Lakers fans; we are all here to witness.

Image result for lebron james los angeles lakers


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