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"Selfless: Concerned more with the needs and wishes of others than with one's own"

They use phrases like "mamas boy" but I am the definition of what it means to be a "mamas girl." My weekends as a kid were spent waking up Saturday morning, watching "Saved by the Bell: The College Years" and then going shopping with my mom. After that, we would come home, she would cook, and I would go play outside with my friends until it was time to eat. So it's no surprise back to school shopping was one of my favorite times of year. Getting to pick out a different wardrobe for each day of the week and buying school supplies. The joys were much simpler since we didn't have iPads or cell phones back then.

Of all the times I spent shopping with my mom when I was a kid, I'll never forget going back to school shopping when I was 12. I was in junior high starting 7th grade which was a horribly awkward time, but if I have to think back about everything that happened back then, this memory trumps them all. I picked out a few things at Citiwear, super excited for school to start. The cashier rang us up and made a comment to my mom about how I was lucky because of all the stuff my mom was buying me. My mom smiled with a warm look on her face and kindly replied, "I want to be able to give her everything I didn't have."

As early as I can remember, my mom has defined what it means to be selfless. She raised my brothers and I and always put our needs before herself. My mom is known to people for her big heart, generosity, and compassion. She is the reason for my motivation in life every single day. If I'm ever feeling down, I just remember how amazing my mom is and it instantly makes me feel better. Getting to see her face when I visit home is one of the greatest joys I get to experience now that I live five hours away.

To my mom, you are the best person I know and I hope I can be half of the woman you are someday. You have given me everything I have ever needed and more. You make me smile, laugh, and sometimes cry because you tell me the truth, even when I don't want to hear it. I know I get my honesty and bluntness from you which is a blessing in my eyes. When I think about what I'm grateful for every day, you are always the first thing to come to my mind. I want to be a better person for you, so that some day, I can repay you and give you the amazing life you have given me.

Thank you for always caring about us more than yourself. Thank you for working so hard to support our family. Thank you for always giving us what we needed and more. Most of all, thank you for being the best person I know.

You make me a better person and I love you more than anything in the world.

To all the mom's out there, Happy Mother's Day. We may not take the time to say it every day but thank you for all that you do and we appreciate you.


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