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To The Kardashians

This has been a long time coming and I’m surprised I waited this long but here it goes. 

You represent everything that is wrong with society. Every day us regular people sit by and watch as your family gains more wealth and notoriety, while not contributing  anything beneficial to humanity. Everyone hates you yet the media glorifies you to keep people’s ignorant minds off the issues that matter. You are obsessed with your looks, selling cheap, shitty products to the masses and taking selfies daily to show off your plastic, constructed bodies. 

All of that fame and wealth and nothing positive to give back to society. I don’t even care about how your family got famous (Kim sucking Ray J’s dick, to be exact). I haven’t heard of any of you going back to college to get a degree, starting a charity to give back to the less fortunate, trying to better your MINDS in some way. No. Instead, the anti-christ, queen bitch of a mother who you call Kris has a charity in the families name. Which your family contributes to. So you can use it as a tax deduction. How can one family have so much and be so greedy? Can one of you please do something productive and help people who cannot help themselves? The sad thing is, you can have such a positive impact on people but choose to live a life of superficiality. We are supposed to praise Khloe because she was fat and now has abs after all of her working out. Bitch, you don’t do anything all day. You should’ve had abs 3 years ago and now you want us to say congrats?

I blame you for all of the future self-esteem problems of teenage girls everywhere who are 17 and wonder why their lips aren’t growing like Kylie’s and can't do the same lip liner 'tricks.' At least if you came out and admitted you had plastic surgery, you would have a little credibility left and the rest of us wouldn’t wonder why we don't look perfect. But we only need to look at this  young Jenner girl to understand just how fucked up your family is:

  1. She’s 17 and has already had plastic surgery (she hasn’t even finished going through puberty)
  2. She’s dating a 25 year old rapper (statutory rape)
  3. She’s a high school drop out yet has a 3 million dollar mansion (the irony)

I don’t blame Kylie for anything because she’s a kid. If I was 17 and could get away with that, I would. I feel bad that she doesn’t have a mother that loves her enough to tell her that she’s perfect the way she is. She doesn’t need to get any work done or need to compete with her sisters. She needs to stay in school and go to college. Even if she’s already more successful than the rest of the 17 year olds out there. That a mind is a terrible thing to waste. No. Instead, Kris encourages perfection and knows sex sells and will make more money. She knows how to degrade her family for the dollar. I’m sorry Kylie, but your old looks were just too girl-next-door and not sexed up enough for this family.  

Let’s move on to how disappointed I am that a musical genius like Kanye West married in to the talentless Kardashian family. How can someone with so much artistic ability be married to someone who has such little personality? It saddens me that more people know about your shitty blonde bob than the 100,000 children being sex trafficked in the United States. Even Rob called you a manipulative bitch on his Instagram page. The only Kardashian I can respect and he’s become a recluse because he feels like he’s not good enough to be seen with your family.

I speak for everyone I know when I say we are tired of your talentless, money-driven, egotistical, moronic, pompous, arrogant, artificial, narcissistic, fake, hollow, idiotic lives. So go fuck yourselves. 

Here’s a link to information on human trafficking. Now, do something meaningful with your lives.


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