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What's Next?

     When you're young, everyone always asks you what you want to be when you grow up. No one tells you that even after graduating college, you will still be asking yourself the same question. It doesn't matter if you graduate college when you're 21 or 27, everyone faces the same reality after college; so now what?

     I wish when I was in high school someone would have told me I would change my mind about what I wanted to do more times than I have fingers to count. I know the results of what I want to be: rich, famous, successful, you know, the usual. But how do we get there? 

     Sometimes I think it's a good thing that I'm interested in so many things. I feel like I will be able to find something to do that makes me happy. Other times, I feel like it's a curse because I feel like I have no sense of direction on where to go in life. I know I'm not the only one who feels like this and I'm sure a lot of people can relate who have been in the same position at one point or another. But when you have five roads to travel, how do you know which one to pick? You can only hope that no matter which path you take, it will lead you to the same place eventually. 

     I'll be 28 soon and 30 before I know it. Time flies by and so does life; I just want to get mine started.


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