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Showing posts from December, 2013

Looking Back at 2013

Since 2013 is coming to a close, I thought I would take a moment to look back at this amazing year and take some time to appreciate all of the great things that happened. I used pictures so I have a memory of every month that passed. I know some people hate getting older, but each year is better than the next in my life and I can't wait to see what 2014 has in store for me. January: I went blonde!! February: Enjoying the blonde life March: Beautiful flowers from my lover March: A birthday surprise at work from my BFF                               March: Figuring out I want an apartment in the city with a view like this    March: Lakers/Warriors Game March: Still Enjoying my work surprise April: At school counting the days down to graduation May: Graduation!! Finally after years in college, I graduated. June: NYC Nike Store June: NYC Natural Hist...

Life After Death

Today I was driving to the Bay Area and talking about how Paul Walker died so tragically this past weekend. I started reading about what celebrities were saying about Walker and to sum it up, he was a down-to-earth guy who knew there was more to life than a glamorous Hollywood lifestyle. He started a charity to give back to people less fortunate who faced tragedy because of natural disasters. I started to wonder, why is it always the good people who go?  It's never the people who this world would be better without. Then I realized, if the good ones weren't taken away, life wouldn't be put in perspective. We wouldn't realize just how much we have to lose. I started to think about death and if I were to die tomorrow, what would my legacy be? What would people say about me? I hope I would be remembered for good things, not bad.   Steve Jobs said that thinking about death is the only way he knew how to live.  Maybe we all need to think that way so we live...